Saturday, April 4, 2009


I didn't think the Wiki page was as easy to use as I was thinking it would be. I am still thinking that it would a good place for students to share with each other. I have students do a lot of research on the countries we are cooking from. It would be helpful for the students (and I) to pool their information on a Wiki.


Yes, after a LONG break, I am back at this 23 things thing. I do want to finish. I enjoyed looked at the Wiki's and think it could be a great tool for a classroom. I choose to blog about the idea of using Wikipedia for research. This drives me crazy! Students use Wikipedia and forget that they could add information, false information, to a page. My husband works for a man and part of his job is to go on Wikipedia occasionally and correct all the incorrect information that has been posted. Because of this experience, I feel comfortable in saying NO to my students when they want to use it as research. I can see how having it as a place for students to post to and share with each other could be helpful- they serve different purposes and have different advantages and disadvantages.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A FACS teacher use of "Share"

I liked going to these sites- a bit overwhelming to be able to sort all the information. I am not one to sit and get my news or information from websites because it is so much to take in. But, I finally found something I was familiar with. I have used the "share" feature several times before. One of my favorite things to do is to share a good recipe I have found after one of my long, addicting searches. I guess this is where I get hooked at web-site hopping!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I love delicious! It was like having a search engine that only brought up good pages when I searched specific tags. It is a little bit confusing at first, especially tagging all of my old bookmarks. But, I am figuring it out and really appreciate the tool. Any suggestions on how I can add tags from school instead of just from my home computer?

RSS- Yahoo vs. Google

I have been a Yahoo user for over a decade. I love their e-mail, my yahoo, travel, etc. Now I have to admit their reader is second-rate when it comes to Google. I tried twice to set up my Yahoo reader and got frustrated both times. Finally, I caved and decided to try Google. When I tried to the Google reader, it took me about 5 minutes to set up all of my friends blogs and it is easy. I am thankful for this tool and so excited to have it set up!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

7 1/2 Habits

Out of the 7 1/2 Habits of a Lifelong Learner the most challenging is probably to play. I would have never said that about myself prior to being married, but now I get it a lot. This summer, I think I had four people in one month tell me I needed to learn how to play and relax better. I tend to have a structured schedule in my head and pretty clear expectations of how things are going to go all the time. I would have liked to think of myself as quite spontaneous and playful, but nothing revealed that I was in fact not that way than being married and having to slowly reveal my secret planned out minutes, days, months, and years ahead to David.

The easiest habit for me is probably to begin with the end in mind (see above). I like to think of potentials and plan how to get there. I think sometimes thinking about the end makes me want the small steps of getting to the end go a bit faster.

My very first blog post...

I have been enjoying reading my friends blogs over the past several months. Specifically, my dear friend lost her baby a year ago and has blogged through the pain and surprising hope and joy. Reading her blog has been such an encouragement for me (funny she should be the one doing the encouraging). David (my husband) has been telling me that I should have a blog about cooking and cleaning, posting different recipes and cleaning solutions I create. I told him that I wouldn't start blogging until we had kids so that somebody would actually read it - we have a lot of family in South Carolina that maybe would be interested. But, here I am making my first blog post!